Single and doubles craft
- All single and doubles paddlers in registering for this event via Webscorer OR AOCRA they understand the risks and acknowledge that they have read and understood the event water safety plan including their responsibilities to help a distressed paddler this is part of your registration process.
- All paddlers must attend the Race Briefing at the Mandurah Ocean Club at 12pm on the day of the race.
- All single and double craft paddlers must be attached to their craft via a leash during the race.
All single and double craft paddlers must wear life jackets Type 1, 2 or 3 capable of supporting their own weight (cannot be blow-up type unless fitted with a gas canister).
- All single and double craft paddlers must present a leg leash, flare as well as PFD for inspection at registration by safety official.
All single and double craft paddlers must have an in-date smoke flare attached and accessible to their craft/person and/or a PLB/EPIRB and whistle.
All single and double craft paddlers are expected to carry a phone in a water resistant carrier.
We ask everyone downloads the FREE APP COAST GUARD SafeTRX.
- Competitors must ring the Race Director if they withdraw from the race. The Race Director’s phone number will be provided on a wrist band before the race. Paddlers are encouraged to carry a mobile phone in a water resistant carrier bag or on their person.
- Whilst undertaking the activity of Ocean Paddling, it is acknowledged that the activity takes place in a dynamic ecosystem in which shark’s habitat. Therefore, there is potential for a paddler to have an interaction with a shark. Whilst the risk of shark attack is very low, it is a risk which needs to be accepted by recreational water users when entering the ocean. Race Director will refer to the Government of Western Australia’s “Shark Smart” website to monitor shark movement.If a shark is sighted, event organisers will endeavor to advise all paddlers. A red flag will be raised by safety craft to indicate a shark has been sighted and that the race will continue. The race will continue through the red flag. In this case paddlers are responsible for determining whether to continue on their original course or to head to shore to the nearest safe location. A black flag will be raised by safety craft if a shark is sighted and deemed to pose a threat. In this circumstance the race will immediately STOP, and paddlers will be required to exit the water as quickly and safely as possible.
The paddler is the master of their craft and determines their course of action, however, if a paddler is made aware of the raising of the black flag and chooses to stay on the water, then the paddler will be banned from competing in the DUEL the following year.
It must also be noted that while water safety personnel will endeavor to advise all paddlers of shark sightings and the associated threat, there is no guarantee warnings will reach all paddlers due to the spread of competitors.
- Failure to comply with any of these conditions will lead to automatic disqualification.
Mandurah Ocean Club will nominate a Covid-19 Officer, who will be responsible for ensuring all participants follow Covid-19 guidelines as outlined below:
All participants and spectators will sign the attendance register on the day of paddling.
Observe all Safe Practice notices on view at the hall as recommended by Council and governing sporting bodies
All participants and spectators will attend the COVID briefing prior to commencement of events
Hand washing, general hygiene etiquette and social distancing requirements will
All vendors, organisers and participants. will maintain social distancing throughout the event
There will be no sharing of personal or club equipment during the event (for example, if a paddler selects a club paddle to use for racing, they will keep that paddle for the entire session and no other paddler will be permitted to use it)
Shared equipment will be sanitised before and after each use by washing or wiping with suitable cleaner.
Each OC club will be responsible for sanitising their own shared boats between events, all shared boats will be sanitised before use, between races and before boats being stored)
Personal equipment such as paddles will only be handled by the owner
In accordance to recommendation we suggest limited physical contact between paddlers including high-fives, shaking hands or hugging
Paddlers will wash hands or use a sanitiser prior to and after each event. Mandurah Ocean Club will have sanitisation stations provided in designated areas around the event and participants and clubs are encouraged also to bring sanitiser.
There will be no spitting, clearing nose or coughing unprotected permitted - please cover your mouth to limit contact.
Paddlers will maintain social distancing including lifting/carrying large boats (unless this poses a manual handling risk)
Water bottles will not be shared, each participant/spectator will need to provide their own water bottle clearly labelled
If a paddler chooses to ignore or fails to meet event Covid-19 Guidelines they will be excluded from the event by Mandurah Ocean Club Outrigger Committee or assigned Club Covid-19 Rep
The club will place written reminders in prominent positions to promote good personal hygiene and social distancing measures
Any participant/spectator will be permitted to remind another member of current Club Covid-19 guidelines/responsibility.
If you become unwell once you have arrived at the event or during the event please immediately notify your coach/the race director, and the Covid-19 Officer.
Do not attend this event:
If you are feeling unwell; Have a fever or a cold or a flu-like illness, including symptoms such as, sore throat, cough, fatigue, or difficulty breathing; Are awaiting a COVID-19 test result; Have travelled interstate or overseas and are therefore required to self-isolate for 14 days; Have been in contact with a confirmed case of coronavirus and are therefore required to self-isolate for 14 days.
The Mandurah Ocean Club would like to thank you all for participating in our event.